Thursday, December 10, 2009

Muscle Myth...Happy to burst ur bubble ladies!!!!!

So u might b thinking....What is she doing writing about muscle....well girls..its really important for u all to know what is fat n wat is muscle!!!!U r not going to loose any fat untill u do muscle training!!!!....I remember my encounter with bunch of girls in a gym when i was doing my weight training
Girl1:hey....if u do those exercises then u gonna get muscles.....
Me:yeah so???
Girl2:u know u wud b like a body builder n it would b grossy!!!!
Me: ahem ok :)....u guys dont know wat is fat and wat muscle is!!!
Girl3:we do know..we've been gymming since a lot time :)
Me: :)....ok!!!!
Girl4: hhihihihihi
Me resume back to my workout
n i had so many questions everytime i used to do my weight training....

When you stop training, how long will it take before the muscle turns back into fat n it really bulges out!!!?

Is it possible to lose fat but not bulk up from weight training?

Weight training makes you bulky and masculine???

Now body fat and muscle are two ends of the same thread they r not the same thing but some how they are connected to each other......they r totally different type of a tissue....

Specially girls dont get muscles that rapidly as guys do..cause of the hormones....guys have the testosterone hormone in them that makes their muscles bigger and they even take coming to professional female bodybuilders...most of these women, unfortunately, use anabolic steroids (synthetic testosterone) along with other drugs in order to achieve that high degree of muscularity!!!!

Next coming to the point which says !!
If you stop weight training your muscles turn into fat.
Lolzz...this is the weirdest thing i have ever heard in my life.its just like when u stop dieting u turn into fat ass :D.....its the same..what actually happens is that when u stop pumping those guns...the body tends to loose the muscles and then the fat starts to get the result u see is a fat ass :P.....all work n no weight makes jenna a fat girl :P

n then many poeple even ask weight training turns fat into muscle
now the way a body transformation occurs is by gaining muscle through weight training and losing fat through aerobics and diet simultaneously. Again, muscle and fat are very different types of tissue. We cannot turn one into the other.

and many girls @ my gym while walking nicely on a thread mill like its a park tell me ...
Women only need to do cardio and if they decide to lift weights, they should be very light.

How ridiculous is this....and funny too....
Women that only concentrate on cardio will have a very hard time achieving the look that they want.
Muscle responds to resistance and if the resistance is too light, then there will be no reason for the body to change.
So i guess this is IT girls.....what are u waiting for.....with enough cardio and weight training u girls can look stunningly awesome and feminine as time when u start working out dont forget to do weight training really does wonders to your body......
have any questions....leave it behind for me to help u chiks look stunning...
till then
Sweat it out CHIKITAS!!!!!

This Division is not Easy...As taught in maths!!!

Greetings people!!!
Well its been a long time ive posted something....i was waiting for some juicy stuff to erupt :D...hehehehe.... ;) here's the juice i mean the NEWS!!!!
so whats up with the states in southern India lately(News check for people who dont know what m i talking about...Andhra Pradesh a state in India is being divided into 2 by a creep called KCR!!)!!!whats this KCR trying to do???
does anybody really know wat is really telangana??or andhra??
i dont really know..may b politics is not my cup of tea...but then when yesterday i heard that we r gonna get a telangana state i was shocked!!!!
Suddenly all the love for my CITY erupted...yeah i love my Hydro land...n i dont think im going to do without it...being a hyderabadi is all what i have...who CARES about the other territories!!!yeah thats how laid back im....n the whole chaos is really causing a nervous system breakdown!!!SO i really wanted to ask you people
plzz do answer my questions!!!
1.Wat is telangana ??
2.Wat difference wud it make if u divide a one state into 2??
3.Wat wud b the situation of hyderabad??
4.Dont u think this is all personal reasons of KCR that he wants a seperation??
5.Does he want to b CM of Telangana?
6.Is he doing this for "Justice to jobless people" or "JUSTICE TO LOCALS" or "Upliftment of poor people" or "OOH this is the easiest way i can b a CM"???
7.If jinnah had done the same for his people then y is he termed as a traitor??
8.Isnt KCR a new traitor(coz he aint thinking about other people)????
9.He is also dividing a state into 2 parts...would it be the same?
10.Through the whole process have you ever seen a proper hyderabadi protesting for it???
11.If this is wat unity is....then i think its all bullshit!!!!
12.IS this the free India that we fought for some decades back??
13.I think Britishers would have done justice to us...rather than these selfish creeps!!!!
14.Think hard about it!!where do u think u stand with the present situation????
okies guess lots of questions to b answered.....well i leave it here.......
expecting answers .....
Seee Ya !!!!